
Survey, modeling, interpretation as multidisciplinary components of a Knowledge System


Cultural Heritage represents a very difficult subject to be handled. Despite its cross-cutting and multi-level characters (scientific, social, economic, political, etc.), nevertheless the topic can hardly be framed in a proper and comprehensive way. Any project addressing Cultural Heritage  (documentation, preservation, retrofitting, valorisation and so on) actually tends to exalt a specific point of view and, therefore, to neglect potentially crucial contributions coming from different fields of expertise. Comprehensive solutions to this problem seem by now available thanks to ICT and the 3D Digitalization and Multimedia Technologies: nevertheless the more the platforms improve their multidisciplinary capabilities and interoperability, the more they need an intelligent design and an accurate control during the implementation phase. Built Cultural Heritage (as historic buildings, districts, sites, etc.) perfectly represents the wide range of situations, which have to be tackled. Any intervention, in fact, from the design phase to its realization and validation, actually deals with several different interlaced layers that together depict a “complex system”. The construction of a Knowledge System represents a crucial step in correctly addressing the problem.


3D capturing; 3D modelling; Integrated survey; Knowledge System; Cultural Heritage

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Copyright (c) 2014 Carlo Bianchini

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano