
The geomorphological transformations of the city of Urbino: the design of the city analysed with GIS tools


The study covers the geomorphological transformations of the area in which the city of Urbino rises, starting from the first Roman settlement, until reaching the nineteenth-century nucleus and the current situation. The design of the walled city and its immediate surroundings is analysed with GIS tools, that allow one to manage data in a georeferenced way, to evaluate the changes of urban expansions in the various historical periods and to represent them not only from a qualitative point of view but also a quantitative one. The representations of the analysis make use of all the 2D and 3D devices available for a greater understanding of the data analysed.


Urban transformations; historic centre; GIS; virtual reconstruction; 3D representation

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Copyright (c) 2015 Laura Baratin, Sara Bertozzi, Elvio Moretti

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano