
Exploring the inexistent


Exploring the inexistent, discovering the intangible, walking into the past. An archeological site is 80% inexistent. The most consistent part of this fascinating landscape is made by something which disappeared because belonging to the past. The goal of this research is to make a practical contribution to the development of strategies oriented to the creation of a participated cultural heritage reality and an engaging Virtual Archeology. In fact the idea of the present work is to increase the interest of the work of art passing from a one-way to a two-way relationship. The user queries and interacts with the work which responds to his inputs. The visitor is not a static observer but he is allowed to be involved in the cultural heritage becoming part of it. The visitor changes his role transforming it from “viewer” to  “user”. 


Intangible; Exploration; Virtual Archeology; 3D Immersion; Real Time Model

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Copyright (c) 2016 Giulia Pettoello

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano