Integrated methods for documentation and analysis of archaeological heritage: the residential building along the western side of the Canopus at Hadrian’s Villa. Initial results and research perspectives 
The paper presents the initial observations on a lesser-known but extremely interesting monument at Hadrian’s Villa, the so-called Tabernae, partly restored and used at present as Antiquarium of refined marble statuary, and partly closed to the public and still under excavation. The building consists of two adjoining structures on high substructures resting on two different levels of the tuff layer. In recent years, on the occasion of some works for the museum, an excavation has brought to light some remains; from then onwards the team has taken an interest in the building built on the upper terraces, proving its rectangular plan with a central courtyard thanks to additional archaeological excavations. Research activities are still ongoing; however, a complete terrestrial laser scanner survey of the whole building has already been started, considering both levels, in order to analyse in depth the remains and the architectural structure of the complex.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano