
Digital documentation of construction details in the architecture of Michelangelo and Giuliano da Sangallo


The paper presents two showcases in which construction details of ashlar butts, tool marks, and the respective surface treatment in the works of Michelangelo and Giuliano da Sangallo have been studied. One of the main challenges in both projects was to choose the appropriate documentation method for the capturing of the small scale traces. After the documentation the collected data was converted to 3D models in U3D format that have been embedded in pdf sheets. This enabled the three dimensional data to be made publicly available via the project homepages.


3D laser scanning, hand held scanners, Artec Space Spider, Leica P20, Structure from motion (SfM) mapping, stone masonry joints, capitals

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano