Some reconstruction hypotheses of Leonardo’s project for the tiburio of the Milan cathedral by using 3D digital models 
This paper analyses possible interpretations of the unbuilt Leonardo's project for the tiburio of the Milan cathedral, depicted in two sheets of the Codex Atlanticus, using digital tools, mainly 3D modelling techniques. Starting from existing studies and hypothetical reconstructions of Leonardo’s project, exploiting only analogue methods (i.e. 2D drawing techniques), new in-depth analyses are presented. In detail the use of 3D modelling allows a systematic analysis of the possible solutions for the ability to easily reconstruct the plan of each solution investigated starting from the section represented by Leonardo in the Codex Atlanticus. Results lead to multiple interpretative solutions of this complex architecture.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano