Digital resources play a key role in the use of our cultural heritage. Awareness of their importance has grown considerably over the last two decades, but it is above all in the current world health emergency that they have proven to be fundamental. A number of multimedia products created since 2000 to present the Cultural Heritage are accessible on the CEIT portal of the University of the Salento. This paper illustrates three of these products, created in the years 2008-2010, with the aim of communicating to the public the results of scientific research conducted in southern Puglia on the archaeology of the Messapians in an effective way. These, the fruit of pioneering projects, have given rise to new horizons and challenges in digital technologies, and to new models of scientific communication and universal use of the cultural heritage, which today are more important than ever.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n2p1
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Journal founded by Virginia Valzano