This issue of SCIRES-IT contains various and interesting articles in support of the documentation, preservation and fruition of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage. It is dedicated to Professor Andrea Brogi, visual & interaction design architect, who was a member of the Editorial Board of the SCIRES-IT and who recently passed away.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n2pI
Andrea Brogi (1965 – 2020). Prof. Architetto – Visual & interaction design. CEIT University of Salento. Retrieved from www.ceit-otranto.it/index.php/collaborazioni/379-andrea-brogi
Brogi, A. (2001 - 2020). Creative Director, Motion Designer, Art Director. https://vimeo.com/abadesign
Brogi, A. (2016). Andrea Brogi architetto, visual & interaction design. UNIRISM Design. Retrieved from http://www.andreabrogi.it/
Brogi, A. (2020). aba #design. Retrieved from https://abadesign.cloud/
CHANCES 2919. Practices, spaces and buildings in cities. International Conference, Bologna 24th October 2019. XIII Phd cycle in Architecture and Design Cultures of the Department of Architecture of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Retrievd from https://eventi.unibo.it/chances-bologna-2019
Monteverdi, A. (2007). Andrea Brogi, Motion Capture Teatrale. Intevista. Digimag Journal. Arte digitale e cultura teatrale, 24, 77-90. Retrieved from http://www.digicult.it/wp-content/uploads/digimag24ita.pdf
SCIRES-IT Manifesto (2011). SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology. Retrieved from http://www.sciresit.it/about/editorialPolicies#custom-2
Valzano, V., Bandiera, A; Beraldin, J.-A., Brogi, A., & Zannoni, M. (2007). Le Metope di Selinunte. The Metopes of Selinunte [CD-ROM multimediale]. Lecce, IT: Coordinamento SIBA. Università degli Studi di Lecce. Retrieved from http://www.ceit-otranto.it/index.php/progetti/57-metope-selinunte (CD-ROM); https://vimeo.com/406701439 (3D animation); https://vimeo.com/406907345 (Backstage); Video-Documentary: https://vimeo.com/406975180 ( EN), https://vimeo.com/406880051 (IT).
Valzano, V., & M. Cigola (2018). Editorial. SCIRES‐IT: a “Class A” Journal. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 8(2), I. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v8n2pI
Valzano, V., & Cigola, M. (2019). Editorial. SCIRES-IT, a well established Open Access Journal. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 9(2), I-III. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v9n2pI
Valzano, V., & Cigola, M. (2020). Editorial. Opening of the 10th year of SCIRES-IT. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 10(1), I-V. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n1pI
Valzano, V., Cigola, M., & Gargiulo, P. (2020). Editorial. A Special Issue of SCIRES-IT on the “Open Science: new models of scientific communication and research evaluation”. SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 10(Special issue), I-IV. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10SpI
Valzano, V., Mannino, K., Bandiera, A., & Brogi, A. (2009). Divini eroi: un cratere da Cavallino e le sue storie. Divine heroes: a krater from Cavallino and his tales. Θεϊκοί ήρωες. ένας κρατήρας από το Καβαλλίνο και οι ιστορίες του [DVD]. Lecce, IT: Coordinamento SIBA Università del Salento. Retrieved from http://www.ceit-otranto.it/index.php/progetti/33-divini-eroi (DVD); Video-Documentary: https://vimeo.com/407174926 (IT), https://vimeo.com/407230486 (EN), https://vimeo.com/407299811 (EL).
Valzano, V., Mannino, K., Bandiera, A., Beraldin, J.-A., Maggiore, A., Brogi, A. & Negro, F. (2010). Il Signore della folgore: Lo Zeus di Ugento. Lord of sky and thunder: The Zeus from Ugento” [DVD-ROM]. Lecce, IT: Coordinamento SIBA Università del Salento. Retrieved from http://www.ceit-otranto.it/index.php/progetti/32-zeus-di-ugento (DVD-ROM); Video-Documentary: https://vimeo.com/406667390 (IT), https://vimeo.com/406683107 (EN).
Valzano, V., Mannino, K., Bandiera, A., Brogi, A., & Zannoni, M. (2010). L'Ipogeo delle Cariatidi di Vaste. The Hypogeum of the Caryatids at Vaste [DVD-ROM]. Lecce, IT: Coordinamento SIBA Università del Salento. Retrieved from http://www.ceit-otranto.it/index.php/progetti/32-zeus-di-ugento (DVD-ROM); Video-Documentary: https://vimeo.com/407020593 (IT), https://vimeo.com/407121650 (EN).
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano