Morphology of city layers as a resource for an urban tourism offer. An integrated research tourism vision for Tirana. 
This article presents the results of an integrated analytical survey conducted on the city of Tirana, aiming at a local feature-based meta-proposal, focused on developing an overall shared vision of the city’s layers and users. The study contributes to raising the scientific background related to a place-based tourism's offer, within both the city itself and the Mediterranean basin's cities - as it is a unique multicultural macro-region - rich in social-cultural-historical heritage layers and well-known touristic places. The scope of this research is to highlight the values of the city’s layered urban morphology, as it is crucial to develop a place-based urban tourism offer within its urban context. Furthermore, by stressing the importance as well of protecting and enhancing its own rich "human-scale character" and its peculiar stratification of social-cultural-historical legacies.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano