
A technique for urban color mapping starting from the case study of Marco Zanuso’s Collegio di Milano


In pursuit of a more objective approach to efficiently support the urban color design, the aim of this study is the introduction of a multiscale approach to the urban space color analysis. The paper opens with the presentation of a robust method, based on scales of perception, then it analyses the urban color at different scales, and it deepens into color corrected images. Specific features, problems and solutions are then illustrated. The Collegio di Milano complex, designed by the famous architect Marco Zanuso, was selected as a case study to prove the methodology’s effectiveness on a real complex placed into a wider urban area. As a final outcome the methodology introduced proved how urban color mapping is a versatile process where the main role is played by multi-scale presence of color perception and material.


Urban colour analysis, project of colour; architecture; colour design; Milan

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano