The art of pottery from the Picenum area: digital reconstruction and color replication of vases found in the davanzali necropolis in Numana 
Digital replicas of pottery, due to their many benefits in terms of sharing opportunities and visualization, recently became popular in museum exhibits, often introducing virtual expositions for pieces belonging to collections all over the world. However, the accuracy of digital duplicates plays a paramount role in the perception of shapes and colors, since the most minute feature could easily lead to identify unexpected clues of an object. This is particularly true of pottery, whose materials, manufacturing techniques and decorations have been subject to dedicated research throughout history. This paper introduces some of the specific outcomes of a research program, oriented to the quick digital acquisition, 3D replication and accurate visualization at the different scales of the Davanzali necropolis in Numana, a settlement of ancient Picenum (Marche Region, Italy).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Enrico Zampieri, Vincenzo Baldoni, Simone Garagnani, Andrea Gaucci, Michele Giovanni Silani

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano