The BIM methodology offers the various professionals involved in the design phase a database of information relating to the project's various components. Among this information, colour can be reported in two ways: at the level of digital data to be inserted in the database and at the level of representation in the visualization design images, which are the renderings. Although having to follow standard and specific procedures depending on the device used, the correct acquisition of the colour to be used in the project and its insertion as data is an overall linear process. Instead, the discussion on maintaining the consistency of colour between reality and its representation in the renderings is more complicated and open. This article presents a general and as effective as possible study regarding resolving this problem, analyzing the various criticalities, and proposing possible solutions using the tools currently offered by BIM software with the help of external plug-ins.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano