
Editorial. An issue of SCIRES-IT rich in content, 'colorful' and 'divine'


This issue of SCIRES-IT, rich in content, 'colorful' and 'divine’, contains various and interesting articles supporting the documentation, preservation and fruition of Cultural and Environmental Heritage. In particular, it hosts some selected papers on color technologies and processes applied to Cultural Heritage in its multifaceted aspects. Some papers deal with innovative projects on Dante and the Divine Comedy carried out on the occasion of Dante's 700th anniversary, and other contributions on different technologies applied to Cultural Heritage in various parts of the world.


SCIRES-IT; Editorial; SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology; Cultural and Environmental Heritage; Multimedia Technologies; Eco-sustainable Publications; Diamond Open Access Journal; Color technologies; Divine Comedy; Dante Alighieri

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Boero, F., & Lucarella, F. A. (2018). Editorial. Making the point on SCIRES-IT in 2018. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 8(1), I-IV. Retrieved from

Caroti, G., Piemonte, A., Capriuoli, F., & Cisaria, M. (2021). Project “Divina!” for Dante’s 700th death anniversary. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 57-66. Retrieved from

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Valzano, V., & Cigola, M. (2020). Editorial. Opening of the 10th year of SCIRES-IT. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 10(1), I-V. Retrieved from

Valzano, V., & Sartor, G. (2021). Dante as an ecologist and poet in the world. “Divine illustrations” by Gustave Doré. An open access multimedia project. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 41-56. Retrieved from

Zampieri, E., Baldoni, V., Garagnani, S., Gaucci, A., & Silani, M. (2021). The art of pottery from the Picenum area: digital reconstruction and color replication of vases found in the Davanzali necropolis in Numana. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 1-8. Retrieved from

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano