
Multispectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence for Archaeology: First Results and First Projects


Archaeology is a human science that is very attentive to technological evolution. For decades, it has relied on technologies from the hard sciences (medicine, chemistry, geology, etc.). The emergence of satellite images with increasingly fine resolutions and the massive arrival of the drone in the field of archaeology have created new uses for the detection of archaeological sites. Multispectral imagery now supports other technologies (geophysics, Lidar). But it is above all the arrival of artificial intelligence and the development of Deep-Learning that is taking archaeology into a new era. The large amount of documentation generated by archaeology is conducive to the development of projects that will use artificial intelligence to help archaeologists in their research and enable them to obtain new results, both in the detection of archaeological sites and in the analysis of artefacts such as ceramics.


archaeology; multispectral imaging; satellite images; artificial intelligence; ceramology; roman pottery

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano