Ancient manuscripts are part of many collections belonging to historic libraries and museums: due to their fragile nature and to the difficulties to display most of their contents during exhibitions, their study is often complicated for scholars who also need generally special permissions to examine them, mostly for a limited time window. Beginning from these premises, this paper introduces the outcomes of the digital replication and presentation of three manuscripts related to Dante’s Divine Comedy, as proposed on a real exhibition, “Dall’Alma Mater al Mondo. Dante at the University of Bologna”, held in 2021. Some of the principles related to the production of their replicas and the fruition of their contents through dedicated applications targeted to visitors and scholars are presented, with care to the reproduction of details such as the ability to explore 3D replicas of detailed elected pages or to browse many of them on dedicated touch screens.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v12n1p77
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano