Cultural heritage recovery in rural Spain through digital means of surveying and graphic reconstruction. Case study of El Paular wool complex 
The article exposes a research experience around the recovery of the industrial and cultural heritage located in the Spanish rural environment that is in ruins and with clear signs of disappearance. As an example, we will analyze the large wool processing center built in 1624 by the Royal Monastery of El Paular in the small village of Trescasas (Segovia) and which today has practically disappeared after being abandoned and plundered after the French invasion (1808-1814). The methodology can be summarized in a deep historical archival documentation, in the survey work with new digital means (laser scanner, drone, photogrammetry, etc.), in the elaboration of the hypotheses, as well as in the virtual reconstruction through 3D modeling and image rendering. Consequently, the primitive configuration of the building is exposed, determining the morphology of its rooms, its function and its historical offices, contributing to the preservation of this cultural heritage.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano