
3Dcitymodels to support technical knowledge and management of historic built environments. A semantic CityGML-based model for the ancient core of Carovigno (BR), Italy


The study presents the characterization of the built environment in historic districts according to the CityGML standard, properly prepared for their management in recovery plans. Knowledge, conservation, and management of such urban areas require a detailed data collection phase and a multi-scale representation technique to describe all the geometric and thematic aspects. To this end, the work identifies the system of simple and complex parameters, namely descriptors and factors, analysing theoretical notions, regulations, and previous scientific studies and experiences, mainly focused on the Italian case. Descriptors and factors are categorized along with the thematic relations with urban and building elements and components, through a well-defined logical-relational scheme and consistently related to the CityGML standard. Finally, the system of descriptors and factors has been applied and validated to the ancient core of Carovigno, in Apulia Region (Italy).


Historic district; CityGML; Technical knowledge; Cultural Heritage; 3D semantic model

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano