Proposal for the standardization of controlled vocabularies for television archives: case study at RTVE 
Controlled vocabularies play a crucial role in indexing and retrieving content in audiovisual archives. The integration of SKOS and ontologies can enhance search processes and metadata generation. This work demonstrates how to integrate SKOS within the ARCA system, used by RTVE for audiovisual management. The proposal focuses on adapting the relational schema structure of ARCA to unify the thesauri using the SKOS model. The process involves identifying concepts, labels, semantic relationships, and collections to create a single controlled vocabulary from the different thesauri, represented through a relational database schema. The results of the unified thesauri and the mapping of vocabulary concepts to Wikidata items are shown to reinforce integration in the realm of Linked Data.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Virginia Bazán-Gil, Juan-Antonio Pastor-Sánchez

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano