
Harnessing and Leveraging the Convergence of AI, 5G, and Big Data Analytics Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development: Literature Review


The power of converging and coupling Artificial Intelligence (AI), Fifth Generation Cellular(5G), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data analytics, and Cyber-security has been touted to be the next revolutionary technologies. If applied correctly, the synergy of the aforementioned technologies is poised to unravel, transform and yield unparalleled economic efficiency and productivity globally across various sectors. It is important to note that each of these technologies has an enormous impact as a standalone in various industries/sectors but when properly combined, the technologies will create an array of opportunities that hugely impact widely all sectors of global economy. This paper will carry out a systematic review of applications of the above-mentioned technologies towards improving Africa’s multi-sectoral economy, and their global impact. The findings of this paper will guide the development of techniques of converging various technologies towards enhancing efficiency and impacting sustainability in virtually all sectors of human endeavors.


AI; IoT; BGB; Big data analytics; Cyber security

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano