Editorial SCIRES-IT. A virtual journey through Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Technologies, and Creative Images 
This issue of SCIRES-IT contains various and interesting contributions that take us on a virtual journey, in time and space, among cultural and environmental heritage, through research, technologies, creative images and innovative technological developments. The virtual journey ends with a surreal flight on the wings of a dragonfly in a protected Nature Reserve rich in biodiversity, to know and preserve.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v13n1pI
Boero, F., Mission possible: Holistic approaches can heal marine wounds. (2021). Advances in Marine Biology, 88, 19-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824615-3.09987-X
Boero, F., Foglini, F., Fraschetti, S., Goriup, P., Macpherson, E., Planes, S., Soukissian, T., & The CoCoNet Consortium (2016). CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential. SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 6 (Suppl.), 1-95. http://www.sciresit.it/article/download/12592/11435.
Boero, F., & Lucarella, F. A. (2018). Editorial. Making the point on SCIRES-IT in 2018. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 8(1), I-IV. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v8n1pI
Boero, F., Valzano, V., & Bartolomei, C. (2016) Editorial. A supplement of Scires-it on the COCONET european project. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 6(Suplement), I-II. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v6SpI
Caroti, G., Piemonte, A., Capriuoli, F., & Cisaria, M. (2021). Project “Divina!” for Dante’s 700th death anniversary. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 57-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v11n2p57
Gallo, G., & Accogli, R. (2022). Editorial. SCIRES-IT, a “Class A” Diamond Open Access Journal. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 12(1), I-III. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v12n2pI
Maggiore, M. R (2022). Editorial SCIRES-IT. New technologies for integrated and sustainable enhancement and enjoyment of cultural, environmental and natural heritage. SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 12(1), I-III. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v12n1pI
Proietti, F., & Valzano, V. (2011). Editorial. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 1(1), 1-2. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v1n1p1
SCIRES-IT Manifesto 2011 (2011). SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology. Retrived from http://www.sciresit.it/about/editorialPolicies#custom-2
Romani, M., Rapi, B., Cacini, S., Massa, D., Mati, F., Rocchi, L. Sabatini, F., & Battista, P. (2020) A support system for hight-quality urban green management in Tuscany. SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 10(2), 37-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n2p37
Valzano, V. (2014). Editorial. SCIRES-IT, an Eco-sustainable Open-Access Journal. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 4(1), 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v4n1p1
Valzano, V., & Cigola, M. (2020). Editorial. Opening of the 10th year of SCIRES-IT. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 10(1), I-V. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n1pI
Valano, V., & Gallo, G. (2021). SCIRES-IT. SCIRES‐IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), I-III. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v11n2pI
Valzano, V., & Sartor, G. (2021). Dante as an ecologist and poet in the world. “Divine illustrations” by Gustave Doré. An open access multimedia project. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(2), 41-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v11n2p41
Valzano, V., & Sartor, G, Romani, M., & Accogli, R. (2022). Dante's journey in the Botanical Garden. SCIRES‐IT ‐ SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 12(1), 67-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v12n1p95
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano