The "houses of the salt workers" in Cervia, Italy, are an 18th-century town planning marvel commissioned by the Apostolic Chamber. These buildings, shaped like a bastioned quadrilateral, house salt workers and their families. Despite some deterioration, they maintain their unique charm. They consist of a basement, two above-ground floors, and a spacious attic, with and without courtyards The conservation project, based on drawings produced following a photogrammetric survey, focuses on preserving the original typology, structure, and materials. This includes reconstructing load-bearing walls, reorganizing façade openings, restoring old brick skirting, and enhancing characteristic arches. This complex holds significant architectural and urbanistic importance as one of Italy's few foundation city examples.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v13n2p113
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Journal founded by Virginia Valzano