Digital Curation for Archaeological Heritage: the Case Study of Museo Diffuso Castello d’Alceste in San Vito dei Normanni 
Information and communication technologies (ICT) can provide effective solutions for the enhancement of cultural heritage (CH) when they answer to narrative needs, which often evolve and change, because of the amount of dynamic information that comes from scientific research. The following paper aims to provide a methodological approach for CH time-varying representations. The goal is to design and develop a “diachronic” application that can represent the multi-layer chronology of an archaeological site, in line with the progressive archaeological discoveries. This investigation focuses on some important issues about digital curation practices, specifically related with Augmented Reality (AR) technology for Cultural Heritage. This article aims to analyse these issues and to propose solutions by starting from a practical casestudy, regarding an AR mobile application for the enhancement of the archaeological site Museo Diffuso Castello d’Alceste, in San Vito dei Normanni (BR).
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano