
Exploring Vernacular Architecture: Unravelling Characteristics and Typologies Through Expert Survey


Vernacular architecture is termed an 'anonymous', ' spontaneous', ' rural'’, and indigenous form of architecture and which is influenced by culture, geography, climate, and ethnic factors. However, defining 'vernacular' is always a difficult task as definitions have variations with respect to context and time. Although research has been conducted globally on vernacular architectural styles and their characteristics, defining a specific vernacular style remains challenging. This research attempts to define vernacular architecture using its characteristics through a comprehensive literature review, followed by an expert survey. The research also aims to delineate vernacular courtyard house typologies by identifying their distinguishing features. The survey was conducted among experts in the field of architecture and is used to define the characteristics of vernacular architecture, and validated the established vernacular courtyard residence categories in Kerala.


Vernacular Architecture; Courtyard houses; Expert survey

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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303

Journal founded by Virginia Valzano