Innovation and Tradition: Integrated Practices in the Architectural Survey of Pretorio Palace in Trento 
The text and images tell of an architectural experience carried out on perhaps the most representative monument of the city of Trento, the building adjacent to the cathedral and overlooking the square. The role of the scientific method is at the centre of the reflection, which does not change when the procedures vary. On the one hand, it guarantees an informed use of advanced technologies; on the other hand, it is a fundamental training instrument. The importance attributed to ways of operating is, in fact, a discussion on interoperability: between different tools and, above all, between people with various skills. The public use of the large quantities of acquired data and produced information can only be implemented by sharing project choices and building codified archives; in this way, we overcome the dichotomy between survey as the application of pre-established actions and survey as an interpretation triggered by reality.
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SCIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303
Journal founded by Virginia Valzano