The article addresses the topic of Biodiversity in itself and in relation to other cultural spheres. An overview of its relationship with Literature enables the reader to discover, or re-discover – in classical as well as contemporary texts – the presence of nature, declined in its diverse forms, depending on the geographical context, the historical period and the author's background. The paper provides a number of relevant examples on the theme of man-nature relationship taken from authoritative writers. It also discusses and documents the relationship between biodiversity, music and technological applications by mentioning several musicians in whose productions nature is widely present with sounds related to the environment. Moreover, it illustrates some innovative artistic projects in which the sounds of nature become music aimed at protecting our Planet. The article calls for a growing awareness and acceptance of the need to safeguard biodiversity, taking into account recent legislative references.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v14Sp71
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Journal founded by Virginia Valzano